<艺术icle class="product" data-affiliation="ZEMEZ" data-brand="Website templates" data-category="Shopify" data-category2="in_one - true" data-category3="updated - true" data-category4="booster - 125" data-discount="0" data-id="55234" data-list="Category - Shopify主题 - 门票网站模板 - trendiness" data-name="76" data-position="1" data-price="0.74" data-product-interaction="" data-variant="premium + 46"> 在线门票Shopify主题
这家售票处的设计很有趣. Each content area of tickets Shopify theme is visually separated from the others.
销售: 11
支持: 4.4/5
<艺术icle class="product" data-affiliation="IshiThemes" data-brand="Website templates" data-category="Shopify" data-category2="in_one - true" data-category3="updated - true" data-category4="booster - 125" data-discount="0" data-id="361810" data-list="Category - Shopify主题 - 门票网站模板 - trendiness" data-name="76" data-position="2" data-price="0.48" data-product-interaction="" data-variant="premium + 46"> Ticketify - Shopify订票主题
Introducing Ticketify - Your Ultimate Shopify Theme for Concert and Football Ticket Booking. 主题100%响应.
销售: 4
支持: 4.3/5
<艺术icle class="product" data-affiliation="Templatetrend" data-brand="Website templates" data-category="Shopify" data-category2="in_one - true" data-category3="updated - false" data-category4="booster - 125" data-discount="0" data-id="337347" data-list="Category - Shopify主题 - 门票网站模板 - trendiness" data-name="76" data-position="3" data-price="0.45" data-product-interaction="" data-variant="premium + 46"> 冒险在线票-旅行包Shopify OS 2.0的主题
Adventure Online Ticket is a Shopify theme designed for 旅行社、 冒险的公司, 以及跟团旅游业务. It includes cutting-edge features and takes your ticketing to the next...
销售: 1
<艺术icle class="product" data-affiliation="RockThemes" data-brand="Website templates" data-category="Shopify" data-category2="in_one - false" data-category3="updated - false" data-category4="booster - 0" data-discount="0" data-id="49252" data-list="Category - Shopify主题 - 门票网站模板 - trendiness" data-name="76" data-position="4" data-price="0.9" data-product-interaction="" data-variant="premium + 46"> 门票网站响应Shopify主题
If you're looking for a 现代 template that could give your website a premium look, then you should acquire this sport tickets Shopify web template. 看看这个新鲜的网页设计选择...
销售: 12
支持: 4.1/5
<艺术icle class="product" data-affiliation="Ajufbox" data-brand="Website templates" data-category="Shopify" data-category2="in_one - true" data-category3="updated - true" data-category4="booster - 35" data-discount="0" data-id="341421" data-list="Category - Shopify主题 - 门票网站模板 - trendiness" data-name="76" data-position="5" data-price="0.68" data-product-interaction="" data-variant="premium + 46"> MyEvent -票务网站的Shopify主题
MyEvent is a minimalist and 现代 Shopify Theme designed specifically for ticketing websites, 提供无缝、高效的售票解决方案
销售: 14


如果你想创建一个伟大的和引人注目的门票网站, 考虑购买我们的高级Shopify门票销售主题. They come with all the most requested features and capabilities for a pleasant user experience for the customers.

Shopify事件票务主题-功能 & 特征

充分响应. 据统计, 全球有超过50亿的移动用户, 这个数字还在继续增长. Ignoring people who prefer a sm艺术phone as their primary device can lead to business failure. Thanks to the responsive layout technology that we use during our themes, 你的网站在各种设备上看起来都很棒. You no longer need to spend time and money developing separate versions and applications. You create only one resource that looks fantastic regardless of the circumstances.

Retina-ready. High-quality images are your main tool for influencing potential customers. Our retina-ready templates allow you to display images on screens with high pixel density correctly. So if you publish photos of celebrities or reports from performances, visitors of your resource will be delighted with the quality of shots.

社交媒体整合. Likes and reposts on social networks become an ideal tool for promoting your retail business. 让人们谈论你的更新、帖子和即将到来的活动. 感谢分享,你可以获得免费广告和新访客.

多语言、多币种. 人们经常崇拜国外的名人. They go to their performances in neighboring countries or even overseas. For this purpose, they look for websites where they can buy tickets. 然而, not everyone knows the language of the content you write. To enter the international market, it is necessary to use the multilingual option. In addition, our templates include the ability to install a multi-currency system. Visitors don't need to leave your site to convert the prices to the currency of their region.


Shopify ticketing themes are great web solutions that help you build a vibrant and impressive project. 首先,这些产品是多用途的. 这意味着您可以为任何目的调整模板. You can do it with the help of builders pages, admin panel, and making changes in the code. 当然,具备HTML5的基础知识是有可能的. Shopify活动门票将是完美的:

  • 旅行社、
  • 机场,
  • 预订住宿和门票;
  • 音乐会,
  • 电影院、剧院等.

Web designers, coders, developers, web studios, freelancers can work freely with these solutions.

How to Create a Successful Online 业务 with Shopify Event Ticketing Themes

任何在线业务的成功都取决于许多因素. 首先,你必须考虑所有的设计细节. 视觉方面对吸引顾客至关重要. You must take care that the pictures are of high quality and smooth. 此外,要小心放置积木. 创建一个设计,但不要过度使用额外的组件. It is better to make more pages where everything will be neatly placed.

Choose a few fonts that perfectly match the mood of the project. 只选择可读的字体.

添加动画或效果也非常重要. 它会吸引顾客.

Add a multi-currency so that customers can make a payment in a few minutes. 您还应该包括多语言功能. It also makes it easier for the customers to interact with the platform.

When you are done with all the settings, check how the site loads. 如果一切顺利,你就可以启动在线商店了.


Can I sell my Shopify ticket sales themes on Template怪物 marketplace?

当然! 我们总是愿意与有才华的新作者合作. You can sell templates and plugins, graphics, 3D models, audio, and video. 我们只要求你们提供高质量的产品, 反过来保证了高佣金, 透明的工资, 以及社区支持.

Do you provide any services besides selling Shopify tickets themes?

是的,我们提供各种各样的服务. You can choose the one that suits your needs on the 服务 page.

What should I do in case of errors or other problems with my Shopify sell event tickets theme?

你可以访问我们的帮助中心. 否则,请随时og体育的支持团队.


我们的每一款产品都很容易安装. 如果你有基本的编码技能,你就不会有任何问题. You can make customizations at the code level, as well as use the built-in page builders.


付费和免费主题之间的区别是什么, 为什么我们建议选择优质产品? 让我们来看看其中的一些区别.

有限选项集. 当然,这也适用于免费主题. 通常来说, 它们包括所有的标准函数, but they do not have enough ready-made pages and elements to create a full-fledged online store.

多亏了高级模板的高质量代码, the probability of an error when installing extensions and plugins are reduced to zero. 由于网页设计市场竞争激烈, 开发人员彻底测试主题的适应性, 跨浏览器的兼容性, 以及与附加组件的同步.

低独特性. For a trivial reason in the form of lack of price, free templates are used very often. Sometimes downloads of one theme exceed 500, 1000, or even 5000 times. It means that the chance to meet a twin site on the 互联网 is very high. 这会降低公司形象的声望.

没有保证或支持. In the event of a problem or errors in the code, no one will help you. 开发者不受任何义务的约束. 如果你购买一个高级主题, the developer or retailer is committed to supporting you in case of difficulties and tries to help you solve the problem within a few minutes or hours.

无论如何, free themes are a great chance to test different CMS and platforms to understand what you need. 然而, we can only recommend them if you st艺术 a site to test a niche or new product, 一个小型的个人博客, 投资组合, 或启动. For any commercial projects with serious ambitions, we recommend only premium themes.

Top Collection of Shopify Tickets 电子商务 Themes 2024 for Your Stores

Watch a helpful video with the hottest event ticketing designs for your Shopify store. 为活动找一个完美的主题, 音乐会, 俱乐部门票项目, 并使其盈利,以响应, seo友好, 和完全成熟的迷人的主题布局.